Enroll In The CKCC Blueprint

Achieve Your Dream Body in 12 Weeks or Less - WithoutĀ Restricting Yourself of Carbs!

Ditch Deprivation with This Simple 3-Step Blueprint for Carb Cycling on Keto

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Chances are you’ve tried Keto or other Low-Carb Diets before…but you miss carbs! Or maybe you've gained "Stress Fat" from High Cortisol and Adrenal Burnout.

Do you want to introduce carbs again but you’re afraid that you’ll put all the weight back on?


 Introducing The Clean Keto Carb Cycling Blueprint A 12 Week Coaching Program that teaches women how to Cycle Carbs with a Ketogenic way of eating.


 What is Carb Cycling?


Essentially, Carb Cycling is when you incorporate a mix of high carb days and low carb days within your week. Inside this program, I’ll share my step-by-step plans and methodology with you so you can eat more carbs and enjoy life while maintaining a healthy body mass and a weight that makes you feel confident in your body again.

This program was designed for women who have done keto but miss carbs. If you’ve lost weight with keto but don’t want to do it forever – this is your solution!

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If you… 

  • Are tired of always being on a diet
  • Have unwanted fat in places that used to have more definition
  • Are looking to heal your adrenals + stress response
  • Looking to increase your metabolism
  • Want to improve performance but you’ve hit a plateau
  • Can’t fit into your favorite clothes & don’t feel confident in your skin
  • Are sick of counting calories
  • Want to have freedom in what you eat

...then my Clean Keto Carb Cycling Program was made for you!


Welcome to the only

12-month program you'll ever need to become the coach you're meant to be and create the income you desire.

  • Learn the necessary skills and gain the confidence to help others along their journey when you become certified intuitive life coach.
  • Get a no-fail, step-by-step guide to building a profitable business. A business with all the pieces in place from day 1 to help you find and nurture qualified leads willing to pay you money for your support.
  • Have ongoing access to a team of experienced, knowledgeable and trained experts in the fields of coaching and business. 


"I had lost 40 pounds on keto and was looking for the next step. Part of my issue has been maintenance so this program came in just in time for me. Lesya provides ten different protocols and I chose to wean off of keto. It would have taken me lots of time and work trying to figure this out on my own. I'm eating 140 grams of carbs now and I haven't gained any weight. I've since then switched to the maintenance protocol and it's going really well. I'm grateful for all of the information that was provided and the coaching calls were so helpful to me as well."


"This coaching program was a wonderful experience. I lost about 18 pounds. I'm feeling great, and I can do this for the rest of my life. With carb cycling, it makes it so easy so that you don't feel deprived and you don't gain weight. I highly recommend it!"


"I joined the program because I was struggling to really find how to be healthy and to be able to lose weight and get to my goals without depriving myself. I lost weight.I felt better. I was less bloated. But the biggest thing was eating foods that I couldn’t eat before I reached that fat adaption, which was really cool to see because on my treat yourself days I would eat what I wanted and I’d come back expecting to gain at least 5 pounds and I didn’t. I was able to let go of my carbophobia and see that I don’t need to completely deprive myself of all carbs and it was really fun to see how the carb cycling works once you’ve been fat adapted because than I could eat even more and not gain weight."

Meet Lesya...

Once upon a time, I was strict Keto for 6 years.

But once I hit a plateau, I started getting weird hormonal issues and unexplained weight gain. Keto stopped working for me over time because my body forgot how to use carbs. My body was not metabolically flexible, meaning I could no longer eat anything outside of the Keto guidelines, which let's face it - kind of stinks!

I got to the point where I struggled to stick with my strict Keto protocol because my body needed more carbs.

That’s when I introduced carb cycling and my results increased tenfold. My hormones began to come back into balance, my adrenals had the space to heal, and my weight began to drop off once again.

This inspired me to create a step-by-step program for my clients to follow along with and that’s what I’m sharing with you now.

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The CKCC Blueprint is the ONLY program on the market that teaches you how to combine the power of Clean Keto with Carb Cycling.





In this phase, you'll discover the latest science on how your metabolism and fat burning actually work. We will also go over the calorie myths that have been holding you back for years.


-Phase 1-


In this phase, you'll discover why you need to be fat-adapted before carb cycling and you'll follow a 30-Day Fast Fat Adaptation Protocol to get your body ready for cycling carbs.


-Phase 2-


In this phase, you will create your personalized Carb Cycling Protocol based on your reason and your schedule. You'll know what to eat, how much to eat, and how to test carbs for your body.


-Phase 3-


This phase is about adjusting your protocol, troubleshooting what isn't working, and aligning your mindset for long-term fat loss.


Plus, some juicy Bonuses!


-Bonus #1-

Carb Cycling Food List

A printable food list showing you EXACTLY what you can eat on your higher carb days so you don't have to wonder if you're eating the right foods.

-Bonus #2-

Sample Meal Plans

Access to sample meal plans for the Fast Fat Adaption Protocol and Carb Cycling Protocols. Easy and delicious recipes, macros, and shopping lists for your convenience. 

-Bonus #3-

Personalized Support & Coaching

You'll get 12-weeks of coaching with Lesya, access to a Private Support Group, and weekly accountability check-ins to reach your goals faster.

-Bonus #4-

Carb Threshold Guide

This guide will show you step-by-step how to figure out how many carbs your body can tolerate while still burning fat. No more guessing on how many carbs you can eat.

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"It’s time to retrain your body to know how to utilize and metabolize carbs again without storing them as fat."





  • Become Fat Adapted

  • Learn how to bring back carbs without gaining weight

  •  Become Metabolically Flexible so your body can burn both fat and carbs for fuel easily 

  • Have food freedom again and eat intuitively

  • Gain confidence in yourself and your food plan

With this program, you will…


Learn how to bring back carbs without gaining weight


You will learn how many carbs your body can tolerate while still burning fat


You will have food freedom again!


Let’s have some real talk for a moment… how will you feel if you DON’T invest in this program?

  • You will continue feeling restricted and deprived.
  • You will be afraid of eating carbs thinking that you will gain all of your weight back if you ever eat them again (which is NOT a healthy mentality to have through your entire life!!)
  • You don't believe in investing in yourself and your success
  • You will be stuck in the diet mentality
  • You won’t know how to create a sustainable food plan
  • You will start experiencing hormonal issues from prolonged keto and eventually, it will stop working for your body

If you’re ready to step away from all of this, then I’m personally inviting you to join me inside this program where I’ll show you, step-by-step, how to have FOOD FREEDOM without gaining all your weight back.



Let's take a look at what's inside

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Module 2: Name of Module Here

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What Women Are Saying...


Which of These Results Would You Like?

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Join The Clean Keto Carb Cycling Blueprint

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The CKCC Blueprint

12-Week Coaching Program

  • 3 Phases of Core Lessons to teach you how to create your Carb Cycling Protocol
  • Group Coaching Calls
  • Checklists, Trackers, Workbooks, and Downloadable Resources
  • 12 Weeks of Private Support & Accountability
  • BONUS #1 - Complete Food List
  • BONUS #2 - Sample Meal Plans
  • BONUS #3 - Personalized Support & Coaching
  • BONUS #4 - Your Carb Threshold Guide

Pay-in-Full Discount


Best Value

  • 3 video lessons showing you how to follow your 3 Phase Carb Cycling Protocol
  • Phase 1 - Adapt
  • Phase 2- Cycle
  • Phase 3 - Adjust
  • 3 Months of Group Coaching
  • Private Support Group
  • BONUS #1 - Meal Plan
  • BONUS #2 - Food List
  • BONUS #3 - Resources
  • BONUS #4 - Checklists



Commonly Asked Questions

Imagine in just 12 weeks...

  • Feeling empowered and in control of your food choices again


  • Becoming free from restrictive dieting

  •  Feeling confident in the way you eat and look


  • Developing a healthy, strong, flexible, and resilient metabolism


  • Teaching your body how to burn both glucose and fat efficiently without storing it as body fat.


  • Having freedom with your food choices and no longer feeling deprived, restricted, or fear eating carbs.


I can help you get here. All you have to do is sign up. What are you waiting for?


Your Popular Questions, Answered

Have a pressing question you need to be answered before enrolling in The CKCC Blueprint?

Below is a list of the most common questions I've been asked. If for some reason you don't see your question, just reach out to our Support Team ([email protected]) so we can assist you. Deal?